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Aliens Live at Church Sketch 3

Aliens Live at Church Sketch 3

$10.00 (USD)

This is Sketch 3 of a 3 part series from 1 Peter on, “How Shall We Live?”
Sketch 1 is on Holiness or Holy Living (1 Peter 1:13-15)
Sketch 2 notes that we are aliens – not of this world – our citizenship is different (1 Peter 2:9-12)
This Sketch 3 is on respectful living – respect in relationships (1 Peter 2:13-3:8)
An alien from outer space has come to earth and is learning about the very strange earthly culture here.
Sketches, (each 4 minutes), can be used individually or in a series.

Cast: 2 (could be male or female)

Sound: Alvin’s voice should be high, squeaky
sound of “whooshing’ space craft
sound of praise and worship music

Costumes: Alvin the alien should be dressed up as space dweller, Allan regular clothing

Time: 4 minutes each segment, total 12 minutes

Sample of script:

Sketch 3: Respectful living – Respect in relationships
1 Peter 2:13 – 3:8

actors come on stage

Alvin: That was a nice drive in your space craft.

Allan: Actually we call it a “car” Alvin.

Alvin: Sorry . . car. . . This is so different from back in Flinder-gleegen-regan! But, one thing surprises me . . strange how people here seem to be in a hurry, even when they are out for a quiet ride in the country.

Allan: Guess you are right.

Alvin: And that lady stopped at the corner, some of the other drivers for sure were some angry with her. . . Did you hear that one guy, yelled at her, “What are you waiting for lady, are you waiting for the green light to ripen?” . . That was funny . . . “Waiting for green light to ripen”! . . . Funny!

Allan: Some people can be unkind.

Alvin: Did you notice the car that angry guy was driving? . . I am not sure what kind of car it was, but there was this little silver fish on the back.

Allan: Ouch!

Alvin: What does the fish mean?

Allan: Actually it means that the person who drives that car is a Christian.

Alvin: I thought Christians were supposed to be kind with other people.

Allan: Yes Alvin, we are supposed to be kind to others. . . But sometimes we fail.

Alvin: And when you fail, then what?

Allan: Well, we ask for forgiveness, and then, with God’s help, we try to do better.

Alvin: That angry Christian, guess he forgot to ask the lady’s forgiveness huh?

Allan: Yes, it appears he did forget.

Alvin: So what then, seeing as how he didn’t ask the lady’s forgiveness, and maybe he never sees that lady again, does that mean he will never be forgiven?

Allan, smile: You know, for an alien you ask some real tough questions.

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

  • Cast Number: 2
  • Run Time: 4
SKU: aliens-live-at-church-sketch-3-3541-3541 Categories: , , Tag:


This is Sketch 3 of a 3 part series from 1 Peter on, “How Shall We Live?”

How Shall We Live? Living as “not of this world” but as aliens with allegiance to a “world” which was described and offered by the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ.
NOTE: individual segment scripts may be purchased however the aggregate costs of doing so are much higher, (as opposed to purchasing the complete script which includes ALL 3 segments). The 3 individual segments, and the ordering procedure are indicated below:

Cast:    2 (m or f)

  • Alvin the alien with a high and squeaky voice
  • Allan is a local

Bible Reference:    1 Peter 2:13-3:8

Set:      bare

Lighting:        standard

  Sound:     wireless mics if available

Song:     none


  • sound of “whooshing’ space craft
  • sound of praise and worship music


  • Alvin the alien should be dressed up as space dweller
  • Allan regular clothing

Props:      none

Special Instructions:   none

  Time:     4 minutes each segment, total 12 minutes

Sample of script:

Sketch 3: Respectful living – Respect in relationships
1 Peter 2:13 – 3:8

actors come on stage

Alvin: That was a nice drive in your space craft.

Allan: Actually we call it a “car” Alvin.

Alvin: Sorry . . car. . . This is so different from back in Flinder-gleegen-regan! But, one thing surprises me . . strange how people here seem to be in a hurry, even when they are out for a quiet ride in the country.

Allan: Guess you are right.

Alvin: And that lady stopped at the corner, some of the other drivers for sure were some angry with her. . . Did you hear that one guy, yelled at her, “What are you waiting for lady, are you waiting for the green light to ripen?” . . That was funny . . . “Waiting for green light to ripen”! . . . Funny!

Allan: Some people can be unkind.

Alvin: Did you notice the car that angry guy was driving? . . I am not sure what kind of car it was, but there was this little silver fish on the back.

Allan: Ouch!

Alvin: What does the fish mean?

Allan: Actually it means that the person who drives that car is a Christian.

Alvin: I thought Christians were supposed to be kind with other people.

Allan: Yes Alvin, we are supposed to be kind to others. . . But sometimes we fail.

Alvin: And when you fail, then what?

Allan: Well, we ask for forgiveness, and then, with God’s help, we try to do better.

Alvin: That angry Christian, guess he forgot to ask the lady’s forgiveness huh?

Allan: Yes, it appears he did forget.

Alvin: So what then, seeing as how he didn’t ask the lady’s forgiveness, and maybe he never sees that lady again, does that mean he will never be forgiven?

Allan, smile: You know, for an alien you ask some real tough questions.

The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

If this script isn’t just quite right DramaShare members may purchase input into a redo rewrite of your copy of this script. Call (toll-free) 1-877-363-7262 to speak to the author, or send a note to [email protected] These minor ST Script Tweaker Service changes are available, see our Policy Page.


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