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Basic Prayer Instruction 101

Basic Prayer Instruction 101

$12.00 (USD)

Teach me to pray Lord. What are the guidelines? What might happen if God were to answer that question “in real time”?

Sample of script:

Mary is sitting on a park bench, very unsettled, Tony and Billie come on stage

Tony: What’s happening, Mary? Just sitting here all alone?

Mary: Yeh, Tony, sitting here.

Billie: Mind if we join you?

Mary: It’s a free world Billie.

Billie: I noticed that. So why the long face, Mary?

Mary: Oh, it’s just a kind of long-face day I guess.

Tony: You are down in the dumps! Spill it, what’s buggin’ you?

Mary: It’s a personal thing.

Billie: Up to you, don’t want to intrude, but like the old saying goes, a problem shared is a problem scared.

Mary: Well, it’s just that . . . (double take) . . What did you say? “A problem shared is a problem scared?”

Billie: Yup! A problem shared is a problem scared. Old saying, said by a lot of old people.

Tony: Anyway . . . so tell us about this problem Mary.

Mary: Well, it’s just that things aren’t going real good, seems I need help.

Tony: You know that Billie and me, we will help you any way we can.

Mary: Well, I appreciate that but actually, do you guys know much about praying?

Billie: Praying? As in . . .

Mary: As in praying. Talking to God.

Tony: Look, I can’t say I have done it a lot but, I mean, how tough can it be?

Billie: Exactly, I mean like, God is your friend and, well, I am your friend, so just talk to God the way you talk to me.

Mary: As if! I mean a guy can’t go just . . talk . . not to . . like, the Big Guy.

Tony: I say, go for it.

Mary: Well, I might just try it sometime.

Billie: Sometime?

Mary: Yep, maybe when I am alone, in my room, maybe then I will, like, try, talking to God.

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

  • Cast Number: 3
  • Run Time: 15
SKU: basic-prayer-instruction-101-831-831 Categories: , , , Tag:


Teach me to pray Lord. What are the guidelines?
What might happen if God were to answer that question “in real time”?
Comedy with a strong message.

Cast: 3 m or f

  • Mary
  • Tony
  • Billie
  • VOG (offstage voice of God)

Bible Reference: James 5:13-16

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: none

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 15

Sample of script:

Mary is sitting on a park bench, very unsettled, Tony and Billie come on stage

Tony: What’s happening, Mary? Just sitting here all alone?

Mary: Yeh, Tony, sitting here.

Billie: Mind if we join you?

Mary: It’s a free world Billie.

Billie: I noticed that. So why the long face, Mary?

Mary: Oh, it’s just a kind of long-face day I guess.

Tony: You are down in the dumps! Spill it, what’s buggin’ you?

Mary: It’s a personal thing.

Billie: Up to you, don’t want to intrude, but like the old saying goes, a problem shared is a problem scared.

Mary: Well, it’s just that . . . (double take) . . What did you say? “A problem shared is a problem scared?”

Billie: Yup! A problem shared is a problem scared. Old saying, said by a lot of old people.

Tony: Anyway . . . so tell us about this problem Mary.

Mary: Well, it’s just that things aren’t going real good, seems I need help.

Tony: You know that Billie and me, we will help you any way we can.

Mary: Well, I appreciate that but actually, do you guys know much about praying?

Billie: Praying? As in . . .

Mary: As in praying. Talking to God.

Tony: Look, I can’t say I have done it a lot but, I mean, how tough can it be?

Billie: Exactly, I mean like, God is your friend and, well, I am your friend, so just talk to God the way you talk to me.

Mary: As if! I mean a guy can’t go just . . talk . . not to . . like, the Big Guy.

Tony: I say, go for it.

Mary: Well, I might just try it sometime.

Billie: Sometime?

Mary: Yep, maybe when I am alone, in my room, maybe then I will, like, try, talking to God.

Billie: Eating?

Mary: Yeh, and it’s not bedtime.

Billie: So what’s that got to do with anything.

Tony: Mary is right Billie, you only talk to God before you eat, or before you go
to bed.

Billie: Ever try other times of the day?

Mary: Like that’s supposed to work! Just like I was to stand here and say, “Hey

VOG: Hey Mary.

actors are very frightened, bump into each other, hold on to each other, looking around

The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

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