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Major Makeover

Major Makeover

$12.00 (USD)

No one could have been more steadfast than Saul in his pursuit of the elimination of Christianity. But Saul’s enemy was Paul’s saviour. And the outcome was really never in question.
This monologue speaks of the amazing transformation in the life of Saul/Paul.

actor, asking question:
You asked about my friend Paul, and the changes that happened in his life?
Unbelievable! I mean we are talking major massive changes here!
Changed so much that even his name was changed!
Paul, he started out Saul, from over in Tarsus.
Tarsus, a rich city, home of the well educated, home to wealthy traders whose products drew buyers from all over the world.
And Saul, of well-to-do parents, taught as a rabbi by no less than Gamaliel, a young man of fiery disposition and firm opinions.
Nowhere were Saul’s opinions more firm than where it came to the people known as “The Way”, followers of the recently crucified prophet of Nazareth, Jesus Christ.
In Paul’s mind there was no room for discussion where the Way were concerned. What they were doing was wrong and needed to be stopped, whatever the cost. Or whatever the pain.
Early on there was a young man, Stephen, who spoke long and loud of Jesus, calling him the long-awaited Messiah.
You should have seen the veins pop out on Saul’s forehead, so upset was he with such blasphemy!
And when Stephen became the first martyr it was Saul who was there, lending his approval.
So severe was Saul’s hatred for these Christians, as they became known, he would even go door to door, dragging sympathizers off to prison.
So it was that Saul journeyed to Damascus, to hunt down and arrest followers of the Way. And I, as a friend, went with Saul. But before we reached Damascus something wild happened. There was this bright light from the heavens which flashed around us, knocking Saul to the ground. And a voice said, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?”
The voice claimed to be that of Jesus, he who had been crucified.

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

  • Cast Number: 1
  • Run Time: 5
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Saul was steadfast in his pursuit of the elimination of Christianity.
But Saul’s enemy was Paul’s saviour. And the outcome was really never in question.
Total makeovers are possible.Total commitments do happen.
This monologue speaks of the amazing transformation in the life of Saul/Paul.

Cast: 1 (monolog)

Bible Reference: Acts

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: none

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 5

actor, asking question:
You asked about my friend Paul, and the changes that happened in his life?
Unbelievable! I mean we are talking major massive changes here!
Changed so much that even his name was changed!
Paul, he started out Saul, from over in Tarsus.
Tarsus, a rich city, home of the well educated, home to wealthy traders whose products drew buyers from all over the world.
And Saul, of well-to-do parents, taught as a rabbi by no less than Gamaliel, a young man of fiery disposition and firm opinions.
Nowhere were Saul’s opinions more firm than where it came to the people known as “The Way”, followers of the recently crucified prophet of Nazareth, Jesus Christ.
In Paul’s mind there was no room for discussion where the Way were concerned. What they were doing was wrong and needed to be stopped, whatever the cost. Or whatever the pain.
Early on there was a young man, Stephen, who spoke long and loud of Jesus, calling him the long-awaited Messiah.
You should have seen the veins pop out on Saul’s forehead, so upset was he with such blasphemy!
And when Stephen became the first martyr it was Saul who was there, lending his approval.
So severe was Saul’s hatred for these Christians, as they became known, he would even go door to door, dragging sympathizers off to prison.
So it was that Saul journeyed to Damascus, to hunt down and arrest followers of the Way. And I, as a friend, went with Saul. But before we reached Damascus something wild happened. There was this bright light from the heavens which flashed around us, knocking Saul to the ground. And a voice said, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?”
The voice claimed to be that of Jesus, he who had been crucified.

The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

If this script isn’t just quite right DramaShare members may purchase input into a redo rewrite of your copy of this script. Call (toll-free) 1-877-363-7262 to speak to the author, or send a note to [email protected] These minor ST Script Tweaker Service changes are available, see our Policy Page.


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