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Take A Life Break

Take A Life Break

$12.00 (USD)

Theme:       Breathe, relax, step back from the busyness of life and realize who not only made you, but made you to be successful and fulfilled.


Bible Reference:      Job 33:4


Cast:         9, (m or f)


Set:          blank with a desk and chairs


Sound:       standard


Costumes:    all standard except Chet who wears something gaudy to identify
Alex, Bobbi, Kelsey & Spencer have something green on them
Dallas, Hudson, Reed & Mackenzie have something red


Props:        papers


Time:        12


Sample of script:


Bradley comes onstage, sits at desk at Upstage center, quietly reading through some papers


Alex, Bobbi, Kelsey & Spencer enter, come to downstage right, talking rapid fire


Spencer:      Well, thing is Bradley said we have to slow down, think this thing through, look at all sides before jumping into this deal.


Kelsey:       What are you saying Spencer, slow down is not an option in my life, I have a million things on the go and there’s like zero chance I can waste time chewing through this thing.


Alex:        I’m with you Kelsey, time is money and time is something I simply don’t have!


Bobbi:       Where is Bradley coming from on this? I mean what gives him the right to drag his heels on this?


Spencer:      Well Bobbi, I guess the fact that he is the boss might give him some rights, but still I’m with you guys on this! . . . Us guys in Team Green need to push forward ‘cause we all know that Team Red won’t be sitting back! . . . And shhhh! Keep your voices down, here comes Team Red now!


Team Green freezes

Dallas, Hudson, Reed & Mackenzie enter, come to downstage left, talking rapid fire


Dallas:       Way I look at it if we just push really hard on the new ideas and spend every minute on introducing those real quick.


Hudson:      Well, Dallas, I am with you on the need to push hard, but we can’t just bail out on the old tried and true either. . . . Face it, that’s what brought us to where we are at. I think we need to amp up our efforts on the core components in our offering!


Reed:        Hold on there Hudson, you too Dallas! . . . We are like going nowhere if we take our foot off the accelerator on either of those! . . . I say we push both to the Max!


Mackenzie:    Reed, you are dreaming big time! . . . We have limited resources, limited talents, limited time! . . . Face it, we can’t be all things and we can’t overplay it or we lose it all!


Chet comes on stage


Hudson:      Look guys, this is getting us nowhere fast! . . . What we need to do is . . .


Chet:         Hidey ho pilgrims! How’s life in your guy’s world?


Spencer:      Chet, can’t you see that we in Team Green are busy?


Reed:        Yes Chet, and we in Team Red are not only busy but highly productive!


Alex:        Highly productive you say Reed? . . . The closest to productive you guys in Team Red have ever come is reading about the advances us guys in Team Green have achieved!


Mackenzie:    You Red people can for sure talk the talk, too bad you can’t walk the walk!


Chet:         You guys in Team Red can’t walk? . . . Wow, that is for sure sad, maybe if you were to get little wheels on your shoes and just kinda like glide out, one foot after the other you would . . .


Dallas:       No Chet! . . .  Mackenzie was just hyperbolizing . . .


Chet:         Sorry about that Mackenzie, that sounds real painful!


Bobbie:       Chet! . . .  Hyperbolizing means when you . . .


Chet, points offstage:
Oh look, a squirrel!


Kelsey:       Chet do you know how . .  how . . frustrating you are?


Chet, thinks:   How, how, frustrating you are? . . . Let’s see . . country and western song right? . .
(clears throat, sings badly off key)
How, how frustrating you are.
When I saw you from afar
Up in the sky was a star
That was . . .


All:          Chet! . . .


Chet:   Love my singing doncha? . .  Move over Johnny Cash!

The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

  • Cast Number: 9
  • Run Time: 12
SKU: take-a-life-break-3951 Categories: , , Tag:


Breathe, relax, step back from the busyness of life and realize who not only made you,
But made you to be successful and fulfilled.

Cast: 9 m or f

  • Chet
  • Alex
  • Bobbi
  • Spencer
  • Kelsey
  • Dallas
  • Hudson
  • Reed
  • Mackenzie

Bible Reference: Jpb 33:4


  • blank with desk and chairs

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: papers


  • standard except Chet who wears something gaudy to identify
  • Alex, Bobbi, Kelsey & Spencer have something green on them
  • Dallas, Hudson, Reed & Mackenzie have something red

Special Instructions: none

Time: 12

Sample of script:

Bradley comes onstage, sits at desk at Upstage center, quietly reading through some papers
Alex, Bobbi, Kelsey & Spencer enter, come to downstage right, talking rapid fire

Spencer:      Well, thing is Bradley said we have to slow down, think this thing through, look at all sides before jumping into this deal.

Kelsey:       What are you saying Spencer, slow down is not an option in my life, I have a million things on the go and there’s like zero chance I can waste time chewing through this thing.

Alex:        I’m with you Kelsey, time is money and time is something I simply don’t have!

Bobbi:       Where is Bradley coming from on this? I mean what gives him the right to drag his heels on this?

Spencer:      Well Bobbi, I guess the fact that he is the boss might give him some rights, but still I’m with you guys on this! . . . Us guys in Team Green need to push forward ‘cause we all know that Team Red won’t be sitting back! . . . And shhhh! Keep your voices down, here comes Team Red now!

Team Green freezes

Dallas, Hudson, Reed & Mackenzie enter, come to downstage left, talking rapid fire

Dallas:       Way I look at it if we just push really hard on the new ideas and spend every minute on introducing those real quick.

Hudson:      Well, Dallas, I am with you on the need to push hard, but we can’t just bail out on the old tried and true either. . . . Face it, that’s what brought us to where we are at. I think we need to amp up our efforts on the core components in our offering!

Reed:        Hold on there Hudson, you too Dallas! . . . We are like going nowhere if we take our foot off the accelerator on either of those! . . . I say we push both to the Max!

Mackenzie:    Reed, you are dreaming big time! . . . We have limited resources, limited talents, limited time! . . . Face it, we can’t be all things and we can’t overplay it or we lose it all!

Chet comes on stage

Hudson:      Look guys, this is getting us nowhere fast! . . . What we need to do is . . .

Chet:         Hidey ho pilgrims! How’s life in your guy’s world?

Spencer:      Chet, can’t you see that we in Team Green are busy?

Reed:        Yes Chet, and we in Team Red are not only busy but highly productive!

Alex:        Highly productive you say Reed? . . . The closest to productive you guys in Team Red have ever come is reading about the advances us guys in Team Green have achieved!

Mackenzie:    You Red people can for sure talk the talk, too bad you can’t walk the walk!

Chet:         You guys in Team Red can’t walk? . . . Wow, that is for sure sad, maybe if you were to get little wheels on your shoes and just kinda like glide out, one foot after the other you would . . .

Dallas:       No Chet! . . .  Mackenzie was just hyperbolizing . . .

Chet:         Sorry about that Mackenzie, that sounds real painful!

Bobbie:       Chet! . . .  Hyperbolizing means when you . . .

Chet, points offstage:
Oh look, a squirrel!

Kelsey:       Chet do you know how . .  how . . frustrating you are?

Chet, thinks:   How, how, frustrating you are? . . . Let’s see . . country and western song right? .
(clears throat, sings badly off key)
How, how frustrating you are.
When I saw you from afar
Up in the sky was a star
That was . . .

All:          Chet! . . .

Chet:   Love my singing doncha? . .  Move over Johnny Cash!

The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

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