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The Spirit Is Our Light

The Spirit Is Our Light

$12.00 (USD)

The Holy Spirit is a special gift, sent from God to help us see things more clearly. Without it, our understanding of Christ would never deepen.

  • Cast Number: 1
  • Run Time: 10
SKU: the-spirit-is-our-light-798-798 Categories: , , , Tag:


Holy Spirit is a special gift, a light, sent from God to help us see things more clearly.
Without it, our understanding of Christ would never deepen.
Without Jesus’ light in our lives, our future looks pretty dim. With His light shining through we don’t have to stumble around in the dark, or worry about what may happen to us, or where we may go.
Nope, with the light of Jesus Christ we don’t have to worry.
At all.
Useful for sermon, Bible study or as drama

Key words: holy spirit helper clear guide

Cast: 1 m or f (monolog)

Bible Reference: 1Corinthians 2:10

Set: standard

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none

Props: flashlight

Costumes: standard

Special Instructions: none

Time: 10

Sample of script:

Actor enters stage, working with flashlight, looks up, smiles, speaks:

Oh, hi! I didn’t realize you would here already! I am just trying to get this thing working.
The light.
Pretty important little thing, this is. You see, without it, I don’t really think I would be able to get much done.

Looks up at audience again.

Hey, wait, I probably should explain what I am doing, huh? That makes sense. Well, you see, I am off on a journey, I need to go somewhere I have never gone before. So, you understand, this will be a whole new experience for me, brand new. And, fact is, I really don’t know what to expect, what I will find along the way.
If I were to try this journey all alone, without my flashlight, well, fact is, I probably wouldn’t get very far.
At all.

One thing that’s very important, I do have to make sure I know the correct operation of the light, how to operate this flashlight. It is really very important that I know what I am doing at all times. You see, it wouldn’t make much sense to say to someone, ‘yeah, sure I know about the light”, but fact is, I really don’t even know how to use it.
At all.

I have heard something about the journey I am going on, and I understand it’s very dark in there, so, you likely guessed by now, that’s why I have this here flashlight. I can’t see in the darkness, you likely knew that, no one can . . .except maybe rabbits .. . . so I have heard, anyway. So, no light, fact is I wouldn’t be able to make sense of anything.

At all.

Hey, you gotta understand, there are lots of different things I might come across along the way in my journey. Like, for instance, well, let’s see here . . . The ground might be a little bumpy and I don’t want to trip and fall, so I figure this, (holding up the flashlight), this flashlight, it just might very well come in handy. Shining out bright and everything, this here flashlight will light my path so I can figure out which way to go – which path will take me to where I should be. So I won’t trip on the bumps in the road.

At all.

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