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Whos On The Cover

Whos On The Cover

$16.00 (USD)

Give to Caesar that which is Caesar’s. We get caught up in “causes”. Although they are all important we sometimes let them overshadow who we are really working for. We want to leave Jesus for Sunday only and work at the “important” things during the week. Be careful of idols!

Sample of script:

2 and 4 come on stage, carrying signs, keep them hidden from audience as much as possible. 1 and 3 come on stage immediately after

2: Hey, 1, 3! Good to see you! Here for the rally I suppose?

1: Oh, hello 2, 4. Rally? What rally?

4: We are holding a rally here in the park today. Why don’t you stay and join in? See, over there, here comes more people for the rally!

3: Wow! A rally! Can’t beat a good old fashioned rally, I always say!

crowd comes in from side stage, looking around as though trying to find someone, some will wave at 2, then crowd sits at stage left, xpectantly, frequently checking watches, looking out into audience, giving impression of anticipation

1: Well, tell me more, what is the rally in support of?

2: Democracy.

3: Wow, democracy. Well, I’m gonna tell you, that sure is something worth rallying for. But, then, democracy is a pretty big subject, tell us more.

4: Well, . . .duhhh, . democracy, you know, democracy, the whole ball of wax, right to free choice, home of the free and the brave, McDonald’s Full Meal Deal, the whole enchilada.

1, hesitant: Sounds good, . . . I guess. What’s the name of your group?

2:, proudly: We are “Guardians of Democracy!”

3, impressed: “Guardians of Democracy?” Woh ho! Some impressive name that!

4: We are some pleased with what GOD has been able to do so far, and the best is yet to come.

1: God? Oh, so you two are Christians then?

2: How do you mean, Christian . . . as in . . .oh I get it, GOD, no, like I mean, GOD . . . Guardians of Democracy, you know, you take the first letters, as in G . . O . . D. GOD. You know? Here, want a sign to hold?

2 offers 1 and 3 a sign with G.O.D. on it

3: Sorry, I guess we thought you meant . . God, as in . . (looks up) . . . God.

2, embarrassed: Oh, no way, I mean, that is, of course, (looks up, embarrassed), I mean, He is . . .with us . . . of course. Naturally!

4: Well, on Sundays, at least. (looks out into audience) Oh, look, here she comes.

3, confused, looks out into audience: God?

4, annoyed: Noooooo! Rebecca, (Ralph). Rebecca from “Save The Whales”. All these people have come to hear Rebecca speak!

The complete script, plus all 1,600+ other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

  • Cast Number: 12
  • Run Time: 20
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Give to Caesar that which is Caesar’s. We get caught up in “causes”.
Although they are all important we sometimes let them overshadow who we are really working for. We want to leave Jesus for Sunday only and work at the “important” things during the week. Be careful of idols!

Cast: 12+

  • 1 and 3 are Christian characters
  • 2 and 4 are “good works” characters
  • (Note that 1 and 2 are more serious, 3 and 4 are more surface).
  • Tom (Terry), Rebecca (Ralph), Andrea (Andy), and Penny (Paul) are promoting various “good” activities, and stand in that exact order, right to left, at the highest level on stage.
  • Jesus
  • Crowd of any number. Note that each line is numbered as in: Crowd 1, Crowd 2, etc. Depending on the number of actors available, each of the crowd may speak once or many times, (or some may not have speaking role).
  • Off stage Voice

Bible Reference: Matthew 22:15-22

Set: blank

Sound: wireless mics if available

Song: none

Lighting: standard

SFX: none


  • Need 4 signs, preferably written on file folders, which say:
    • – outside: “Save the Whales”, inside: “R
    • – outside: “Sports & Recreation”, inside “A”
    • – outside: “Military”, inside “T”
    • – outside: “Eldercare”, inside “P”
  • – Also several more signs which say: “G.O.D.”
  • – Cloth approximately 5’ x 5’ or more


  • standard except Jesus in white robe

Special Instructions: none

Time: 20

Sample of script:

2 & 4 come on stage, carry signs, keep hidden from audience as much as possible.
1 & 3 come on stage immediately after

2: Hey, 1, 3! Good to see you! Here for the rally I suppose?

1: Oh, hello 2, 4. Rally? What rally?

4: We are holding a rally here in the park today. Why don’t you stay and join in? See, over there, here comes more people for the rally!

3: Wow! A rally! Can’t beat a good old fashioned rally, I always say!

crowd comes on from side, looks around, some wave at 2, crowd sits at stage left, expectantly, checking watches, looking out into audience, anticipating

1: Well, tell me more, what is the rally in support of?

2: Democracy.

3: Wow, democracy. Well, I’m gonna tell you, that sure is something worth rallying for. But, then, democracy is a pretty big subject, tell us more.

4: Well, . . .duhhh, . democracy, you know, democracy, the whole ball of wax, right to free choice, home of the free and the brave, McDonald’s Full Meal Deal, the whole enchilada.

1, hesitant: Sounds good, . . . I guess. What’s the name of your group?

2:, proudly: We are “Guardians of Democracy!”

3, impressed: “Guardians of Democracy?” Woh ho! Some impressive name that!

4: We are some pleased with what G-O-D has been able to do so far, and the best is yet to come.

1: God? Oh, so you two are Christians then?

2: How do you mean, Christian . . . as in . . .oh I get it, GOD, no, like I mean, GOD . . . Guardians of Democracy, you know, you take the first letters, as in G . . O . . D. GOD. You know? Here, want a sign to hold?

2 offers 1 & 3 sign with G.O.D. on it

3: Sorry, I guess we thought you meant . . God, as in . . (looks up) . . . God.

2, embarrassed: Oh, no way, I mean, that is, of course, (looks up, embarrassed), I mean, He is . . .with us . . . of course. Naturally!

4: Well, on Sundays, at least. (looks out into audience) Oh, look, here she comes.

3, confused, looks to audience: God?

4, annoyed: Noooooo! Rebecca, (Ralph). Rebecca from “Save The Whales”. All these people have come to hear Rebecca speak!

Rebecca walks in from side carrying sign “Save The Whales” as all crowd starts cheering, waving, chanting: Ecology!  Ecology!  Crowd calms as Rebecca goes to position 2, begins to speak

Rebecca:  Friends!  Around the world whales are dying, polluted oceans and over-fishing are killing whales by the thousands every year.  Help us save them while we still can.

crowd moves around Rebecca, showing support, admiration for her

2: 1, 3, come, join with us; this is a really important cause.

1: Well, I really don’t know much about this group, but it sounds good.  I would like to know more.

3: Me too, besides I love swimming.

4: Well, come on down and meet Rebecca!

2 leads 1 over to Rebecca’s group.  Just as they settle in Andrea (or Andy) comes in from side, carrying a sign, “Sports & Recreation”.  Crowd shouts out: “Participation!  Participation”    Andrea goes to position 3

Andrea: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.  We are here today promoting the need for a healthier, more active lifestyle for us and for our families.  Through sports and recreation we can attain a happier, healthier lifestyle.

crowd leaves Rebecca, moves to Andrea, support & admiration, Rebecca freezes

2: Isn’t this exciting?  This is just one more cause worthy of our support.

4: Besides, we get fudge nut ice cream later.

3: Well you can count me in!

1, unsure: I guess there’s no doubt that keeping in shape is a good thing.

1, 2, 3 and 4 move to Andrea

4: G.O.D. supports this cause 100%.

1: He does . . . .?

2, holds up GOD sign: G. . . O. . . D.  Guardians of Democracy.  But, obviously, (looks up), He does too.

The complete script, plus all 2,000 other DramaShare scripts, are available at no charge to DramaShare members, non-members may purchase the individual script.

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