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African-American Achiever Booker T. Washington

African-American Achiever Booker T. Washington

$10.00 (USD)

  • Cast Number: 1
  • Run Time: 5
SKU: africanamerican-achiever-booker-t-washington-3487-3487 Categories: , , Tag:


Theme: In our worldwide ministry, DramaShare, a wide range of people make up the mosaic that we are. From the inception of our ministry, through means only God can know, we seemed to attract African-American people. Growing up on my remote farm in Western Canada I had people of virtually every (European and Asian) ethnic background, none of African origin. A child with an appetite for reading and for researching, I read adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer, who became part of my world. This, (very one-sided), introduction to “black society” made me definitely wish I could have a “black” friend since they seemed so wonderfully uncomplicated, reverent and fun loving. Kind of just like me with a deep, deep summer suntan. (I hate to admit but true).  Thirst for knowledge took me to the very real reality of “slavery.” To my shame, feelings of the wrongness of slavery never transmitted into action. “Becoming a man” at a young age due to my father’s health moved other priorities aside. Thanks to DramaShare for opening my eyes, I now count people of color as my dearest friends. Where “black churches” are available in my travels I eagerly seek them out. Fact is, “people of color do know how to worship God!”
Booker T. Washington, an early African-American achiever played a vital role in the early years of building the United States, and laying the path for future generations of minority achievers. His contributions to education, the betterment of early African-American conditions are immense.

Cast: 1 (monologue

Set:  a backdrop of early 1900’s African-American preacher or family would work well

Costumes:  Vintage early 1900’s suit

Sound & Lighting: as available

Props: large scrapbook

Runtime: 5 minutes

Sample of script:

actor comes on stage carrying a large book, sits, leafs through, pause, looks up, smiles, speaks

The more I read, the more amazed I become!
I am researching the history of prominent early African-American people, and the role African-American people have played in this great nation.
We have an extraordinary history .. . an amazing heritage.
Incredible tradition of fine and talented men and women.
A tradition of which to be proud, a tradition we must celebrate, and teach to upcoming generations.

leafs through book, smiles

Folks like Booker T. Washington come to mind.

glances at book, turns pages

When the name Booker T. Washington is mentioned mostly we think of a powerful educator, author, orator, administrator, a friend of presidents of industry as well as presidents of the nation. And Booker T. was all of those and more. . . But he was also a man of humble beginnings, a man who grew up near Hales Ford, Virginia, back in 1865, born in harsh conditions to an enslaved mother and a white father who likely was her master, sleeping on the floor of a rundown shanty, working long and painful hours from the time he could walk about.

Amazing how this man became one of the noted educators in the history of this nation when after all, he was born a slave into a system where schooling was illegal for slaves. Following the liberation of the Emancipation Proclamation, young Booker worked in salt plants and coal mines in West Virginia, getting to work at 4 am, attending school during the day, then returned to the mine after school was finished in the evening. His burning desire to be educated was fired by his mother, a woman who could neither read nor write, but who realized that it was only through education that a better life could be attained by her son.

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