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Thoughts Of Home

I came across this article written by our granddaughter Jenna Read as a school project when she was 11.  I am impressed with the honesty and love that comes through and, although I admit to being proudly prejudiced, I am also very impressed with the  untrained, natural wordcrafting it displays. Maybe we have a third generation writer in the family?
Jenna is now in grade 10, a busy entrepreneur who in addition to a heavily booked childcare business also has her very active website, Check it out! As well, Jenna is active in her church and youth group and in school activities.


Everyone has a home. Even if it’s a cardboard structure you made when you were two years old, and slept in it for a night. No matter what we live in, we have a home, house, place, building, apartment, castle, paradise, condo, orphanage, foster home, or a town house. It may not be ginormous, but it’s a home. It may not have a bed, but it’s a home. Home is where the heart is.
Milk chocolate walls, the smell of fresh baking, the delightful sound of laughter filling the air. That amazing sound of silence at night after everyone is tucked in and the lights are turned out. The way the grass looks after a victorious game of volley ball or after a game of octopus with the neighbours, fresh and wonderful. The smell of being able to have all three meals a day and the feeling of snuggling in on a snowy December night with a blanket and a Christmas movie. That glorious feeling you get after selling your first cup of lemonade of the summer and the thought you get when a letter with your name written on it is sitting on the smooth kitchen counter when you arrive home from school, and the feeling of anticipation to open it fills your mind.
All of these wonderful feelings can be experienced at home. Some people take home for granted and think it’s just a house, but it’s not. If you think of all the amazing memories of Christmas morning, bringing home a new member of the family, or renovating to make your home even more incredible, I think you will change your mind. If I could describe my home in two words they would be calming and unique. Every home is different and not one the same. So, in a way, homes are kind of like humans! Even though I’m in that unexplainable place every day, I still look forward to walking in and seeing the forever glistening hardwood floors, and the amazing memory-holding pictures on the wall. When I go away and am not able to wake up to my multi-coloured bedroom, sometimes I get home sick, but I know that I will soon be at the magical place again.
A home is a place to grieve, to be happy, to spend time with friends and family, and to meet new friends too! My home is my favourite place to go!

Our Book

In the late 1970’s I worked for a newly formed business and industry training organization, a new branch of a very old home study correspondence…

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