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A Time For Newness

Run-time: 5
Cast-number: 4
Bible reference: Ephesians
It’s a new year again. Will anything really change and create “newness”? Changes begin with me, not with situations around the world. New Years Day Bible Reference:     Ephesians 4:/p>   Cast:         4 (male or female) Jenna, 20’s or older Sue, 20’s or older Deanna, 20’s or older Stacy, pre-teen   Set:         blank   Lighting, Sound, Costumes:  standard   Time:       5   Sample of script:   Sue and Jenna come on stage from opposite directions   Sue:         Happy…

A Wonderfully Wasted Life

Run-time: 90
Cast-number: 9
In this folksy drama a pastor reflects on twenty years in the same church, lamenting that he hadn't been able to do "bigger things". A sequel to the (Jimmy Stewart) movie "A Wonderful Life", some comedy, but a really strong message about how God uses us exactly where we are, doing exactly what we do. Parkside Baptist Church in Dennison, TX had wonderful success with this drama as a dinner theatre, highly recommended. Also Kim Potruff of…

Abilities Or Disabilities

Run-time: 6
Cast-number: 2
Bible reference: 1.Peter
Theme:       A blind person and a person in a wheelchair discuss living with physical handicaps, and living with how “non-handicapped people” act and react to those with physical handicaps. And how sometimes, in an effort to be understanding and helpful, people show insensitivity to handicapped people who are simply living their life and coping with situations as they are. How should we talk to someone with a physical disability, how should we act?   Bible Reference:      1Peter…

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Run-time: 7
Cast-number: 2
Bible reference: John
Two young ladies, walking home from a Bible study, learn that Christian love is spelled ‘Obedience.’ They are chatting excitedly about what had happened in their group, how love was such an important component in Christian friendship. But in this often comedic skit it becomes obvious the type of appropriate group love was not always fully understood by all. In writing this skit back around the turn of the century, (as in the year 2,000 let me…

Ageless Peer Pressure

Run-time: 30
Cast-number: 5
Bible reference: 1Corinthians
Three scene drama on peer pressure, showing how peer pressure is a reality regardless of what age we are. Cast: very flexible, there are five or more actors in each scene, and these may all be different actors or the same actors may be used in each scene, simply changing some basic costuming, makeup and dialect Can be any age and either male of female If changing from male to female, or vice versa, on any role,…

Basic Prayer Instruction 101

Run-time: 15
Cast-number: 3
Bible reference: James
Teach me to pray Lord. What are the guidelines? What might happen if God were to answer that question "in real time"? Sample of script: Mary is sitting on a park bench, very unsettled, Tony and Billie come on stage Tony: What’s happening, Mary? Just sitting here all alone? Mary: Yeh, Tony, sitting here. Billie: Mind if we join you? Mary: It’s a free world Billie. Billie: I noticed that. So why the long face, Mary? Mary:…

Be Like Jesus

Run-time: 15
Cast-number: 3
Bible reference: Ephesians
Theme:       We do a lot of talking about being like Jesus. But what does that really mean and how do we really do it? Can be puppet or standard drama, with suggested music.   Bible Reference:      Ephesians 4:/p>   Cast:         3 Mrs C, leader Gloria, puppet or young child Percy, puppet or young child   Set:          puppet stage if used as puppet script, otherwise blank   Sound:       Music: He’s Still Workin’ On Me   Joel Hemphill  …

Being a Candle to the World

Run-time: 12
Cast-number: 5
Bible reference: Matthew
Church group are planning outreach, being a light to the world, but some think it may be more politically correct to be a candle to the world. That way we can be “low key” in our witnessing so that we don’t offend anyone, (and more importantly don’t embarrass ourselves in front of people who might know us). Lukewarm water anyone? Sample of script: group of actors come on stage, talking Phil: . . . so I just…

Being Kinda Quiet

Run-time: 30
Cast-number: 3
Bible reference: Psalm
Everyone has heard of iPod, iPhone and iPad, but now we have iCures, (as in maniCures, pediCures) and iWax, (as in waxing), . . .  well you get the idea. A 6 segment comedy focuses on two women from a ladies church group who attend a day spa . .  well a kinda day spa. The spa owner is . . . well . .  unique. The theme is “be still and know” and each segment draws…

Bible Warning Label

Run-time: 2
Cast-number: 1
Bible reference: Romans
Seems like everything we get has to have a warning label. Should there be a warning label on all bibles to pre-warn potential readers of the life-long effect that exposure to the Bible could have on their lives, and on the people around them? This monologue offers several suggested warning labels that could be used. Sample of script: Setting: None. Optionally, a “presenter” can present the wrapped bible to the actor with some platitudes about the gift.…
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