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A Real Group

Run-time: 4
Cast-number: 2
Bible reference: Proverbs
Promoting a youth group A comedy monologue with an offstage voice tells of dealing with pressures from people who don't understand believers This monologue involves one teen, in everyday clothing. He/she should have a backpack when entering the stage. No special lighting is necessary. Voice Over should be a teen’s voice, however, an adult voice would work as well. Sample of script: Actor (Walks on stage and throws his backpack down on the floor, in frustration. Begins…

Abraham Portrait of Obedience

Run-time: 6
Cast-number: 3
Bible reference: Genesis
Abraham, a study in obedience Genesis 22 is about obeying God regardless of the cost. It is also a foreshadow of Jesus. Bible Reference Genesis 15:5, 17:21 and 22:1-18 Abraham – an older gentleman • God - off-stage voice • Isaac – late teens to early 20’s ? Props: Shepherd staff • Stack of wood • Knife • Altar • Others as desired ? Setting The desert Staging The altar is set up downstage left. The lighting…

Advice to a Minister

Run-time: 5
Cast-number: 1
Bible reference: Romans
Taking on ministry? . .  Here's some excellent advice: Ministry is Leadership, very important! But realize who you are in ministry to serve. And who we are in ministry to follow. And where there is Followship there is sometimes "Followship Oooopsies . .  When God has His own ideas of where your (His) ministry is to go. "Ministry" is a different kind of word, broken down is Mine-His-try, so is your ministry going to be "Mine" or…

African-American Achiever Booker T. Washington

Run-time: 5
Cast-number: 1
Theme: In our worldwide ministry, DramaShare, a wide range of people make up the mosaic that we are. From the inception of our ministry, through means only God can know, we seemed to attract African-American people. Growing up on my remote farm in Western Canada I had people of virtually every (European and Asian) ethnic background, none of African origin. A child with an appetite for reading and for researching, I read adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer,…

African-American Achiever George Washington Carver

Run-time: 5
Cast-number: 1
George Washington Carver was an early African-American achiever who played a vital role in the early years of improving agriculture, particularly peanuts and sweet potatoes, and of laying the path for future generations of minority achievers. His contributions to agriculture, and to the betterment of African-American conditions are immense. But Carver’s strong Christian faith made him known as "Man’s Slave, God’s Scientist" Cast: 1 monolog Bible Reference:  Cast: 1 monolog Bible Reference:  Set: a blank set Lighting:   standard   Sound: wireless mics if available Song:  See “Anything You Can Do I Can Do…

Apostle to Africa

Run-time: 30
Cast-number: 10
Bible reference: Matthew
Dr. David Livingstone, monumental missionary to Africa is on trial. In the courtroom scene Livingstone's faith, courage and missionary heart is debated. Cast:    10 Dr Livingstone Clerk Judge Benjamin Bryant Defender Barrington Prosecutor Dr Bart Stanley, reporter newsman Persons 1, 2 & 3 Bible Reference:    Matthew 28:16 Set:      courtroom Lighting:        standard [icon name="music"…

Bondage Builder

Run-time: 10
Cast-number: 7
Bible reference: Colossians
How do we handle our finances and our allocation of our time, and what becomes most important in our lives. financial bondage, money, position, power, sport, release Costumes: Have Car, Holiday, House and Clothing actors dressed in black, Jesus actor in white. All others in various colors. Sample of script Group of actors hurry into the sanctuary from back doors, praising God. IMPORTANT – in this first section all actors are looking at each other as they…
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